Why FocalTuning™ a better immunoassay platform?

Sensitivity and specificity play a critical role in all assays of biological samples. Background signals affect both sensitivity and specificity. Samples from different individuals typically have their own background and matrix profiles.

Current immunoassay platforms, such as ELISA and Luminex, use an average external blank or “normal” value as a fixed negative control for all samples tested, which in fact cannot reflect the true background signal of each sample. Results from these platforms, particularly for low-level target analytes, may be pseudo-positive (when the control background is lower than the sample background) or pseudo-negative (when the control background is higher than the sample background).

FocalTuningTM has been successfully established with the above system error in mind. It combines in-pair strategy with better design to remove sample background of each analyte of interest. FocalTuningTM provides an almost perfect solution to avoid the system errors of ELISA, Luminex and many more. Successful detection of anti-PEG IgE is one of its breakthrough applications.

Wide detection range and powerful statistics are two additional advantages of FocalTuningTM over other assays such as ELISA.